Team & Board

MWIKA is an association of Dutch IT professionals who have been dedicating time and expertise to enhance Healthcare infrastructure in Northern Tanzania.

Our members contribute their skills to improve and innovate the technological landscape within the healthcare sector, aiming to positively impact the delivery of medical services and overall health outcomes in the region. With a shared vision of advancing healthcare through information technology, MWIKA strives to create lasting and meaningful improvements that benefit communities in Northern Tanzania.

All work within MWIKA purely voluntary. Neither the board members or other volunteers receive any form of salary or bonus.

Our Team

Raimondo Jansen



Wybren Lok

Nearly two decades ago, I developed a fascination for African culture. In 2018, I embraced the opportunity to blend my passion for the continent with assisting in my field. As Mwika’s elder, I organize, gather resources, and maintain high enthusiasm, all made possible by the exceptional collaboration with a superb team of IT professionals.

Freerk Terpstra

Helping our technical peers abroad with building and maintaining their IT infrastructure gives me a lot of energy and fuel for the long and sometimes muggy days on-site in Tanzania while having lots of fun. I feel priviliged being part of this team.

Piet Kuperus



Radboud Atema

For 25 years, I have worked as a network specialist at the Medical Center Leeuwarden (MCL). During my tenure, various teams from MCL collaborated with the Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre (KCMC) in Tanzania to improve healthcare.
Since 2018, I worked with Mwika to help enhance the network infrastructure at various hospitals in Tanzania and empower local IT professionals with improved knowledge and skills.

Maarten Annema



Rob van Winsen

In 2018 I was asked to join a mission to get the IT in a hospital to a higher level.
after some consideration I joined the team and have no regrets at all for tagging along.
I’m doing my best helping the team with my knowledge on servers, virtualisation and storage together with the best team you can ask for.

Willem Meints

For quite some time, I’ve been actively seeking opportunities to leverage my skills for non-commercial purposes, fueled by my passion for assisting others. In December 2023, I stumbled upon this foundation through LinkedIn and eagerly signed up to contribute wherever I can.

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